Annette Springer, CEO
Springer Equipment Company, Inc.
1) What do you love most about owning your own business?
The buck stops here! Every day there is always something new and decisions to be made. It is always an easier task to make that decision when you have very dedicated and smart people working to provide the answer to you.
2) What has been the most challenging?
Being a small family-owned business is sometimes challenging when we’re in competition with large corporations that have multiple locations. That challenge just makes us work harder. Recruiting experienced service technicians is also challenging. The service industry requires more technical knowledge now than just mechanical requirements.
3) Tell us something no one probably knows about you?
I was fortunate to have both of my grandmothers live to the age of 99. Both independent and strong women!
4) How has AWIB helped you?
The speakers we have at our AWIB luncheons have been so informative. If you don’t take something away from the speakers back to your business then you just haven’t been listening! Although it is a business group we have so much fun and make lifelong friends.