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Our membership levels are as follows:

Business Owner Membership Level


  • The woman owns the business or shares a % of ownership with multiple partners.
  • The woman business owner is a U.S. citizen or legal resident alien.
  • The woman business owner directs or causes the direction of management, policy, fiscal and operational matters.
  • The woman business owner holds an executive position in the company.

Support Membership Level


Is limited to 25% of the total membership; therefore special rules apply.

The support member applicant is an officer/executive of a company in which she maintains significant responsibility in developing strategy, decision making for the company in one or more areas of the business, or is head of a division of the business.

Emerging Business Owner/Angel Start-ups Membership Level

  • The emerging business owner member must have at least two years of work experience in their industry.
  • The emerging business owner applicant must complete the emerging business owner application and questionnaire.
  • The emerging business owner must receive a written recommendation from an active member of AWIB.
  • The emerging business owner may remain at a reduced dues level of $200 for two years.

Retired Business Owner Membership Level


  • The retired business owner applicant must have previously owned at least a % of a business where she directed the management, policy, fiscal and operational matters.
  • The retired business owner applicant is a US Citizen or legal resident alien.
  • The retired business owner applicant is over 55 years old.

Corporate Membership Level:

The corporate membership category includes corporate sponsors who receive membership benefits per their donation level. A maximum of two members is permitted per sponsor to be selected at the outset of the membership.

College Student Members/Mentoring:

Sponsorship Committee to include women college or graduate students as a category needing sponsorships to assist them in paying dues to AWIB as our future women business owners.

AWIB to speak to colleges about entrepreneurship.

All Other Applications for Membership:

Must be accompanied by a written recommendation from an active member of AWIB.
Will be considered by the board on a case-by-case basis.